Strawberry Spring Snack Special!
Let's check out the spring snacks for 2016!
Let's check out the spring snacks for 2016!
Believe it! You too can live out your fantasy of becoming trained in the deadly weapons ninja once used.
Follow the bright neon lights and welcoming red lanterns to discover the best of Tokyo's nightlife. We promise you will never be bored in Japan's capital!
Japanese makeup can almost be a way of life. While these sometimes classic, sometimes ultra-trendy and wild makeup looks appear difficult, they’re actually quite easy to pull off with a little practice.
Not only do you get to relax and take in the surroundings of this train, the destination is one that no tourist would want to miss!
Sapporo is an ideal base from which to explore other areas of vast Hokkaido! From penguins to icebreakers, and ice sculptures to festivals, Hokkaido has so much to see and experience.
Even though this museum bears a striking resemblance to Elsa's crystal palace in the Disney movie "Frozen," it was actually built a little over a decade before the film premiered!
2016 certainly has a lot of fun and interesting events in store, but you won't want to miss these seven in particular!