Japan Trends
From design to politics, anime to tech, JapanTrends is devoted to telling the rest of the world about all the things happening in Asia’s most exciting place. High tech Japan? Definitely. Cool Japan? Of course. Wacky Japan? Sometimes. We cover both the good and the bad about Japan, bringing you news and analysis of the latest fashions and trends bursting out of this complex but little-understood culture.
Hi! I run ARuFa's Diary, or 'Arufa no Nikki'! I also make music!
Lindsay Nelson
Lindsay Nelson teaches at the University of Tokyo and writes about Japanese film at eigafile.wordpress.com.
Discover Japan through kitchens! The KitchHike community is the largest of its type, where Japanese people invite foreign visitors into their homes to eat authentic Japanese meals. KitchHike connects COOKs and HIKERs in kitchens. It is a service that lets you meet real people, and eat real food.
Feel like trying real Japanese food ("washoku")? Go to a local house and enjoy Japanese homemade meals!
Meet Japanese Companies with Quality
We're pleased to introduce Japanese companies offering everything from cutting-edge technology to delectable cuisine, high quality components and high fashion innovation. Small, skilled enterprises like these lay the foundation for Japan's economic growth.
Ada Wilkinson
I'm a navy wife of two years and I moved to Japan in 2014. I’m an assistant language teacher in Tokyo by day and a blogger/writer by night. I am currently exploring film photography and love window shopping for anything hippie.
Fun Flying Four
Fun Flying Four is a blog dedicated to our adventures while living in Okinawa … with two young kids in tow. Originally from New Zealand and now living in Okinawa with my Air Force husband and two young daughters. We love to explore Okinawa as much as we can, and when possible we love to travel around Asia.
Go! Nagano
The Nagano Prefecture Official Tourism Guide. Climb the Japanese Alps, soak in a hot spring, frolic with snow monkeys, slurp soba noodles, timewarp to the feudal past, or schuss through powder snow. Start your exploring here!