The Wintry Elegance of Kawase Woodblock Prints
If you can't make it out to Ronin Gallery in New York, we've got a preview here of the Japanese woodblock prints on exhibit there created by Hasui Kawase.
If you can't make it out to Ronin Gallery in New York, we've got a preview here of the Japanese woodblock prints on exhibit there created by Hasui Kawase.
Have you ever made soy sauce by hand? Neither had Rachel! Follow her journey through the 'Rising Dragon' of Japan, a route that travels through Shizuoka, Aichi, Ishikawa, Gifu and Nagano Prefectures.
Tokyo is great for food, shopping and relaxation. But you should know there are also a handful of stellar World Heritage Sites right in the area!
Every traveler to Japan should be sure to visit at least a few of the nation's stellar World Heritage Sites, ranging from 1,000-year-old temples and shrines to breathtaking natural biospheres.
Designer Eisuke Tachikawa presents the evolution of technology as one, astounding, real-life infographic that visually lays out over 100 objects that have been integrated into the iPhone.
Put your wallet away and pay using only your finger in Yugawara!
These Japanese gadgets might be outdated, but they're definitely not forgotten!
All the culture you can get without spending a dime!