Cup Noodle vs Michelin Ramen—A Taste Test
Can the same ramen in Cup Noodle form taste as good as the original from a Michelin-starred restaurant?
Can the same ramen in Cup Noodle form taste as good as the original from a Michelin-starred restaurant?
A tropical paradise ain't a perfect haven without places where your tummies can be filled. Apart from idyllic seascapes, Okinawa has ideal food escapes for every kind of foodie.
If you like gyoza, ice cream, cute cats, weird fishing games and frightening toilets, Namja Town in Ikebukuro is the perfect park for you!
Okinawa has a very unique vibe. It's laid back and the Okinawan diet seems to be entirely different from that in Tokyo. We've listed for you here things that you'll only find in Okinawa and shouldn't be missed while you're there.
San Francisco-based publisher Immedium is looking to extend its series of multicultural kids' books with a look at the origins of ramen! Hungry for more? Find out how you can support this delightful project on Kickstarter!
Okinawa is an ultimate tropical paradise not only for its pristine beaches but also for year-round summer fare. There's no better way to enjoy a hot summer vacation there than by basking by the sea and enjoying delicious frozen treats on the island.
Tokyo travelers won't want to miss these all-you-can-eat lunches for under ¥1,000, ranging from traditional Japanese restaurants to chic Western-style buffets—and eat-as-much-as-you-want bakeries!
If you're a fan of summer, yet beach bumming just won't do, why not satisfy your tummy at one of these yummy beach joints? Before summer ends in Japan, go out and explore our Top 5 spots for summer eats!