Tips for Using Chopsticks Properly
How much do you know about chopstick etiquette in Japan? Get a little more enjoyment out of your Japanese food with these tips from a Japanese foodie.
How much do you know about chopstick etiquette in Japan? Get a little more enjoyment out of your Japanese food with these tips from a Japanese foodie.
Japan has a worldwide reputation as a workaholic nation. But little do people know that Japan offers days off on holidays that don't exist anywhere else in the world. Here are some ideas for things to explore on those days!
Heard so much about New Year's 'osechi' cuisine that you’ve become an expert yourself? Read on to discover a whole world of other holiday cuisine in Japan!
If 'au naturel' is what you prefer, this list offers hot tips on cool things to buy from select Japanese towns. Take a break from the 'kawaii' cute goods and go for some of these natural specialties.
Move over matcha-flavored Kit Kat: there's a new snack that's modifying its original recipe to spice things up!
When we cover ourselves in scents, can we still appreciate the refined subtlety of Japanese cuisine?
Kill two birds with one stone by riding on this bus that takes you sightseeing around Niigata while dining on the prefecture's local cuisine.
Asakusa, a neighborhood on the east side of Tokyo, is noteworthy for its retro, traditional atmosphere. Besides enjoying the rich cultural history of Japan’s bustling capital, there's also a variety of local delicacies you can find in the old downtown!