All About Japan

Top 5 Chains for Cheap Bento

Super Cheap Japan walks us through their top picks for a cheap bite!

A Japanese Bento Box In New York

A variety of New York-based businesses—from small-scale entrepreneurs to multinational brand names—are gradually succeeding in introducing Japanese bento culture to the world.

These 5 Horror Bento Will Eat Your Appetite!

Could you imagine opening your bento and seeing these creations staring back at you?

Halal-safe Halloween Snacks

Muslims may not be able to celebrate Halloween, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the limited-edition Halloween snacks available at Japanese convenience stores in October.

Butter Sushi a Hit in Osaka

The four-restaurant chain Jinen has added unagi butter sushi to its menu, and some are hailing its melt-in-your-mouth flavor.

Better Know Your Pumpkin Types!

Renewed interest in heirloom vegetables means a few of the classic types are making a resurgence, with seeds available for growing at home even in Japan.

Evangelion Shinkansen Gets its Own Ekiben

With the Evangelion Shinkansen bullet train scheduled to start running from November 3, passengers are going to need something to eat.

3 Great Pumpkin Snacks With a Japanese Twist!

Sharpen your sweet teeth: here are three healthy, nutritious and easy-to-make Halloween sweets with plenty of pumpkin!

The Secret to a Hot Bento

Imagine opening the lid of your bento box and getting your chopsticks out to eat what should be steaming hot rice—but it’s cold and somehow tasteless. Want to avoid this disappointment?

Ekiben Spotlight Local Cuisine

A Matsumoto bento maker teams up with students and the local agricultural co-op to create a castle town feast.

Skull Pancakes

Perfect for breakfast on Halloween morning, this pancake skull-and-crossbones will make your onion eyes pop out!

Whole Baby Pumpkin Gratin

To up the scare factor, carve a face into the side to make jack-o'-lantern brain stew!

'Shufu' Culture and the Bento

While the "lady of the house” may be an outdated concept in the West, in Japan, the woman working at home is a well-respected and meaningful topic when it comes to examining the hidden depths of Japanese culture.

Bento 101: So What's a Bento, Anyway?

The Japan Guy covers everything from convenience store (konbini) bento to home-made works of art,

Ekiben Pull into France

Paris-Gare de Lyon will be selling station bento starting in winter 2016!

Wicked Monster Fruits

Have you ever been scared of grapes, kiwis, strawberries and oranges? You will be!

Make a Green Pepper Dinosaur!

Even though dinosaurs no longer roam the Earth, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy eating them!

Fortune Kitties for Fortune Cookies?

Felissimo, provider of all sorts of cat-based novelty goods, releases Hide-and-Seek Kittie Candies.

All About Ekiben

Much more than dull meals to fill up hungry travelers, the best ekiben provide a small window into the regional cuisine and culture of the place where they're produced.

Japan's 4 Scariest Themed Restaurants

While Halloween may be the perfect time to visit, these four frightening themed restaurants are ready to meet your horror needs all year around.
