What To Wear: Women Working in Japan
It can be hard for women to know exactly what is appropriate (or not) to wear in a Japanese office. Get the lowdown on the basic rules to follow to avoid faux pas without having to resort to a penguin suit.
It can be hard for women to know exactly what is appropriate (or not) to wear in a Japanese office. Get the lowdown on the basic rules to follow to avoid faux pas without having to resort to a penguin suit.
So you’ve decided to come to Japan, and found that teaching English is the easiest way to get a visa, an apartment and a job. Here are our five favorite sites that are going to help you be better at your job—and make more money!
Perhaps teaching English in Japan has crossed your mind as a way to stay in Japan longer than a vacation. But as teaching jobs that offer visa support typically bind you to a year-long contract, why not first experience being teacher for a day or two?
With the increasing demand for Japanese people to speak English fluently, there's also the need for English teachers to help them achieve this goal. But if you think simply being a native speaker is all it takes to get a teaching job, think again.
In the short documentary 'Union,' a young Maori working in Japan tackles his cultural isolation using the universal language of rugby.
This new English textbook will help your students talk about the Illuminati, alien abductions and more!
Looking to come to Japan to teach? Already here and hoping to get more out of your career? This book may be for you!
Kids in public schools in Japan have the privilege of eating a nutritious, well-balanced meal every day at lunch. Just because it's good for you, however, doesn't mean you can't satisfy your sweet tooth!