The Earliest Blooming Sakura on Mainland Japan
People around the country are sharing stunning photos of the early blossoming sakura in full bloom.
People around the country are sharing stunning photos of the early blossoming sakura in full bloom.
If you're looking for an intimate view of Mount Fuji, Atami and Shuzenji present a compelling alternative to Hakone.
Have you ever made soy sauce by hand? Neither had Rachel! Follow her journey through the 'Rising Dragon' of Japan, a route that travels through Shizuoka, Aichi, Ishikawa, Gifu and Nagano Prefectures.
From ropeways and waterfalls to castles and historic gardens, the 'Rising Dragon Road' through central Japan does everything to catch your eye!
Love that fresh-baked-bread smell? In the Kansai area, you can savor the scent of freshly fried waffles at 18 train stations thanks to the famous Mannekin chain. Read on to learn all about these amazing waffles!
Tokyo is great for food, shopping and relaxation. But you should know there are also a handful of stellar World Heritage Sites right in the area!
Every traveler to Japan should be sure to visit at least a few of the nation's stellar World Heritage Sites, ranging from 1,000-year-old temples and shrines to breathtaking natural biospheres.
Travel through the 'Rising Dragon' region of Japan, where you'll find ancient shrines, exquisite gold leaf, top-ranked gardens, incredible festivals, panoramic mountain views, plus markets, museums, kabuki and more!