allabout japan
allabout japan
Take a Virtual Tour 'Beyond Tokyo'

Take a Virtual Tour 'Beyond Tokyo'

Amid continued travel restrictions and pleas to stay at home to help combat the COVID-19 epidemic around the globe, we figured you might want to check out a unique way to tour one of Tokyo's most popular neighborhoods.

Japanese Art Supporting 'Black Lives Matter'

Japanese Art Supporting 'Black Lives Matter'

Amid the ongoing protests and marches following the brutal killing of George Floyd by an American police force, Japanese artists in Japan and abroad are showing their support for the Black Lives Matter movement in the form of diverse artworks.

Fireworks Flying High All Across Japan

Fireworks Flying High All Across Japan

Following the surprise five-minute fireworks festivals that appeared all over the country, we finally got some pictures of the event from fireworks fans at home. If you couldn't see them from your area, then click through to see a sample of summer!