All About Japan

Onsen Myths of Fukushima

Onsen are an important part of Japanese culture, and they’re one of the things I missed the most while living in the U.S.

Yakumi: Condiments with a Healthy Twist

Directly translated as 'medicine' (yaku) 'taste' (mi), yakumi originally served as antidotes to a variety of ailments.

'Shufu' Culture and the Bento

While the "lady of the house” may be an outdated concept in the West, in Japan, the woman working at home is a well-respected and meaningful topic when it comes to examining the hidden depths of Japanese culture.

Amazing Chalkboard Art Animates Student Life

A touching Calorie Mate commercial walks us through the stresses and joys of preparing for that big exam in Japan.

The Buddha Twice the Size of Lady Liberty

At 120 meters, the Ushiku Daibutsu was the tallest statue in the world until 2002.

Tsukiji: The Market That Stocks Japan's Pantry

This market is the main reason people in Japan take it for granted fresh fish will always be on the table.

Tokyo Day Trip: Renting a Kimono in Kawagoe

Kawagoe is one of the few places in Japan where you can really see what cities used to look like, centuries ago.

Manga Cafés: Japan’s Cheapest Places to Sleep

When you miss the last train, why not crash in a place with a free drinks machine?

Water & Washoku: Fountains of Youth?

Masaharu Maeda, a professor of rehabilitation studies, believes bathing culture is one of the secrets to Japanese longevity.

Buddhism Through the Stomach

A Buddhist monk shares his religion through cooking and cookbooks.

5 Ghastly Ghosts of Japanese Toilets

From toilet-licking goblins to the local version of Bloody Mary, Japanese bathrooms are no strangers to haunting entities that lurk between the stalls.

7 Fishy Things About Japanese Fish

Why would a fish's name change? What dish is made of sea urchin gonads? And how many herring eggs would you want to eat at New Year's?

Catch His Eye with a Couples' Bento

Before dating, teenage girls may attract their love interest’s attention with a homemade lunch.

All About Bento in Japanese Culture

From moms and their children to university students looking for a cheap meal, bento is a familiar presence at every stage of life in Japan.

An Ad for Eating Hair & Smashing Cakes

Seki City in Gifu Prefecture finds a weirdly endearing way to highlight its local specialty.

A Hypnotic Tour through January in Japan

The urban jungles of Tokyo and historic temples of Kyoto all look gorgeous in January.

A Brief History of Bento

Bento can be found everywhere in Japan, from convenience stores and railway stations to upscale department stores. But where did they come from?

Onsen Date in Tokyo

I get that “onsen dates” are kind of weird, but my husband and I love them.

The Difference Between a Bento & a Lunch Box

It has to do with the contents and packing style, but it has to do with the feelings of the packer as well.

5 Reasons Why Karaoke is a Great Spot to Study

With cafés crowded and homes small, what better than a catered, private box for assembling your study group?
