What to Do When You're Sick in Japan
Find out how surgical masks, Pocari Sweat, 'okayu,' doctors, and Japan’s National Health Insurance fit into the mix!
Find out how surgical masks, Pocari Sweat, 'okayu,' doctors, and Japan’s National Health Insurance fit into the mix!
Even the land of the rising sun occasionally has stomach problems. Between the language barrier and the sheer amount of medicines available, such delicate situations can be a lot to digest. We're here to help!
Never miss a day of work with these in your medicine cabinet!
This is what some Japanese celebrities are doing to take care of their skin!
While better known as a summer destination, sunny Okinawa has lots to offer travelers seeking an offbeat winter vacation in the sun.
Japan has more than 100 ways to describe snow. Here are six of the most interesting varieties!
There are a few unique things about Japanese snow.
While going to a temple or shrine simply to observe is satisfactory on its own, it's well worth learning how to fully participate to get the most out of the experience.