All About Japan All About Japan

Fresh start every Monday!

Get Cabin Attendant Funassyi at Narita Airport

Swing by Kumu on the fifth floor of Terminal 1 to pick up your pear-shaped flying companion.

Samurai Attire for the Modern Gentleman

Save your suits for another day! Wazigen Shizuka has released its new line of modern hakama and yukata styles, and you won't believe where some of the inspiration came from!

Color-Changing Ramen Cup Holders

The Cupmen series are adorable little characters that hold the lid of an instant ramen cup while it's cooking.

The Secret to a Hot Bento

Imagine opening the lid of your bento box and getting your chopsticks out to eat what should be steaming hot rice—but it’s cold and somehow tasteless. Want to avoid this disappointment?

Living in Nara: 8 Surprising Facts

While it may be big on the artifact tour, actually living in Nara is a whole different ball game.

What Time? Kanji Time!

Strut the streets of Tokyo with this high-fashion kanji watch.

Outerwear Made from Synthetic Spider Silk

For the past 11 years, a Japanese company has been attempting to harness the strength of spider silk to create a new type of material with unprecedented versatility. They’ve now unveiled their working prototype: the Moon Parka.

Ace Every Pillow Fight with a Hadoken Plushie

"Quarter circle forward + punch" sold separately.

Storybook Tenugui

A traditional "tenugui" cotton hand towel makes a great gift—or even a headband in the onsen! These tenugui go one step further, however, and tell a picture-book story when folded.

Swipe Your Phone with a Happy Cat Tail

These smartphone gloves will keep your fingertips as happy as a kitty getting a chin rub.

Hand-made Cat Bags Fur-storm Twitter

Twitter user @picopoco08 describes herself as cat-loving housewife who also enjoys “making cats”—as in, stuffed cat toys and bags.

10 Great Gifts from Japan

These original gifts represent the rich cultural heritage of this country—and tend to go down well with overseas visitors, too!

Village Vanguard Star Wars Cup Clingers

Make sure you get these before they disappear into a galaxy far, far away!

'Dame Gi' for Doing Nothing All Day

"No-good wear" encourages you to never leave your sofa.

Game On in Tales of Xillia Heels

Show your video game affiliation on your feet!

28 Businesses & Regions Receive Toilet Awards

Despite the already remarkably high quality of public toilets in Japan, members of Japan’s national government are spearheading a nationwide campaign to upgrade Japan’s public toilets to an even higher level.

Casting Craftmanship

NOUSAKU Corp. applies traditional Japanese casting techniques to contemporary designs to promote a unique, stylish lifestyle.

Order a Funassyi Sofa for ¥180,000

Made to order in Saitama Prefecture, it features easy-wipe synthetic leather upholstery in Funassyi colors.

Trigun Sneakers Perfect for a Stampede

Red for Vash, Black for Nicholas D. Wolfwood.

Where to Buy Bento Accessories in Japan

While the period before the start of school in April is the hot time for bento purchases, you can pick materials up at any time of the year at specialty shops.
