Behold: the Ultimate Wagyu Beef Bento!
With nearly 10 pounds of premium Japanese beef at a price of US$3,000, there’s no room for any vegetables here.
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.
With nearly 10 pounds of premium Japanese beef at a price of US$3,000, there’s no room for any vegetables here.
Missed your chance to eat at the limited-time Pokémon restaurants? The new eatery will be ready for you whenever you come to town.
The company behind Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea is planning a massive ¥3 billion expansion of the popular resort.
Behind the bright lights and massive robots at this popular tourist spot is a female president who’s been there from the very beginning.
Un! Uun! Un? Three words that sound awfully similar but have totally different meanings.
In colors and application techniques, Japan and South Korea go their separate ways when it comes to cosmetics.
Foreign guests welcome at lobby lounge function that sidesteps the cost and pretense of orthodox geisha services.
Get your hands on green tea cat-shaped bread or black cat-shaped bread at this bakery in Osaka.
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