Saitama's Top 5 Foody Souvenirs
After taking in the sights in Saitama, why not bring back some goodies to enjoy at home, or as gifts to your friends and coworkers?
After taking in the sights in Saitama, why not bring back some goodies to enjoy at home, or as gifts to your friends and coworkers?
Located just north of Tokyo, Saitama Prefecture has preserved beautiful pockets of traditional Japan. While there's much to see, there's just as much that you can try out first-hand!
This Chiba town is proud of its long history—and its face cutout photo prop opportunities!
Utilizing an architectural approach to design, this photobook portrays the seasons depicted in the world of wagashi, Japanese traditional sweets.
Thanks to manufacturer Mega House, you can enjoy a Christmas date with a famous Japanese anime voice actress.
There's a new pre-sliced lunch food in Japanese supermarkets, and it's so soft it melts in your mouth.
There are plenty of kinds of Christmas cakes in Japan, and the limit may only be the size of your wallet!
This Christmas pudding is sure to delight relatives, and might leave some scratching their heads as to why there's an angry looking monster on the table.