Cosplay as Samurai & Walk through Kamakura
When you visit Kamakura, you can not only look like a samurai—you can also eat like one!
When you visit Kamakura, you can not only look like a samurai—you can also eat like one!
Kabuki is a traditional form of theater that has been around for over 400 years. Get to know this ancient art, which is a lot more understandable and accessible than you might think!
Japan has a deep fascination with insects that dates back to the age of the samurai. Let’s take a look at the seven most popular insects in Japan and what makes them so popular.
Looking for a thrill, but don't know where to start? Check out the 12 best amusement parks in Japan!
Where can you still see samurai, ninja and geisha roaming the streets of Japan? The answer is this theme park in Kyoto!
Ever wanted to change into a samurai or ninja and learn sword fighting techniques? Practice the moves before performing a fight scene with a professional taking the supporting role!
Samurai aren't just in the movies! The spirit of the samurai lives on at the Soma-Nomaoi festival, featuring a horde of armored warriors on horseback!
Watch fireworks while comfortably sprawled on this small island, where Musashi Miyamoto fought his most famous duel!