All About Japan

14 Stunning Sunrise & Sunset Spots in Japan

It's a tradition to watch the sunrise on the first day of the year in Japan. And the nation's national parks offer countless breathtaking options for both sunrise and sunset at any time of year!

The 21 Best Places to See Mount Fuji

We take a stab at answering the perennial question, 'Where can I get the best view of Mount Fuji?' Here are our 21 best answers.

#TravelGoals for ¥10,000 (US$90) in Japan

While you can scrimp on food, accommodation and shopping in Japan, transportation in the land of the bullet trains can be costly. But what if you can enjoy a three-day, ride-all-you-want train trip in Japan for only ¥10,000 (US$90)? We'll show you how!

Shimoda: Beaches, Hot Springs & Seafood

Located at the tip of the Izu Peninsula, Shimoda has something for every visitor: beaches offering beautiful views, relaxing hot springs and deliciously fresh seafood.

Feeling Thirsty? Try Ocean-Aged Wine!

As winemaking gets increasingly popular in Japan, some makers are trying innovative techniques lost to time, such as aging the alcoholic beverage in the ocean.

7 Bugs Lurking in the Japanese Countryside

What would you do if you spotted one of these on your towel—after you'd used it?!

13 Budget-Friendly Tokyo Day Trips

When we say budget-friendly, we mean it! All of these trips will cost less than ¥5,000 round-trip on Japan's extensive railway network, and will show off another unique aspect of the country.

Izu Peninsula: Top 5 Outdoor Adventures

The Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture offers some of the best and most interesting activites to be found in rural Japan. Better yet, it's just over an hour from Tokyo by train, making it perfect for a day trip from the capital!

15 Beautiful Beaches in Japan's National Parks

Japan offers countless stunning beaches along its nearly 30,000 kilometers of coastline. Some are directly accessible by train from Tokyo, while others are surrounded by 1,000 kilometers of open sea!

Head to Izu on this Luxurious Hato Bus Tour

Travel to the hot springs of Izu in ultimate comfort and luxury aboard this stylish and modern bus.

13 Places to Paraglide in Japan

There are over a dozen places where you can paraglide across Japan. Most are located in the central regions, but there are also paragliding options in Hokkaido and the southern islands if you know where to look!

Experiencing 'Overseas' Resorts in Japan

Exotic resorts abroad are popular with Japanese tourists, but not everyone can make the trip overseas. We did some sleuthing and found four faux-'foreign' resorts you can stay at right in Japan!

Top 5 Sights in Izu

Whether you like surfing, exploring history, petting capybara or just relaxing in a hot spring, the Izu Peninsula has you covered!

30 Stunning Flowers in Japan's National Parks

From June hydrangeas to September spider lilies, here are 30 reasons for flower fans to fall in love with Japan's 34 flower-filled national parks!

The Earliest Blooming Sakura on Mainland Japan

People around the country are sharing stunning photos of the early blossoming sakura in full bloom.

Wasabi—Japan’s Fiery, Flavorful Root

Wasabi is Japan’s signature condiment. There is no substitute for the pleasurable burn on your palate of the grated goodness of this herb!

30 Spectacular Flower Spots in Japan

Seasonality is an important part of life in Japan, especially in spring. Flowers bloom throughout the country and create a colorful, unforgettable landscape for floral fans, nature enthusiasts and anyone in between!

Shoryudo: Knockout Destinations

From ropeways and waterfalls to castles and historic gardens, the 'Rising Dragon Road' through central Japan does everything to catch your eye!

From the Mountain to the Sea

Fuji-Hakone-Izu is the most popular national park in Japan by far, receiving over 100 million visitors every year. Unlike most of Japan’s national parks, it consists of four distinct areas united by the volcanic activity.

Where to Avoid the Crowds Near Tokyo

Tokyo may be one of the busiest cities on the planet, but veer slightly beyond the prefectural borders and you'll find all sorts of less-charted regions, free from the crowds.

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