6 Great Innovations from Japan's Countryside
From urban planning and fish farming to food recycling and the re-invigoration of traditional techniques, a number of great ideas have come out of Japan's smaller towns and cities.
From urban planning and fish farming to food recycling and the re-invigoration of traditional techniques, a number of great ideas have come out of Japan's smaller towns and cities.
Despite their combined population of only 900, the villages of Shunran no Sato drew 11,000 visitors in 2014, attracted by the prospect of experiencing traditional Japanese life from locals only too happy to share.
Most of the subjects of this story didn't see themselves where they are now—but all of them found something incredible in the Japanese countryside, leading each to develop a unique and indelible bond to the local community.
There is nothing quite like rice fields in the Japanese countryside.
While many rural areas of Japan are giving a small stipend to pay for housing, one area of Kagoshima is pulling out all the stops to bring in new residents.
Whether you've been to Japan's rural parts or not, get ready to explore the Japanese countryside with a jittery boy and his cameraman dad!
Learning Japanese can be easy, fun, and nearly free if you're ready to take on the challenge of getting more locally immersed!
Although the outer space theme may throw you off, this rice field art was not designed by extraterrestrial beings, but by the residents of Gyoda City in Saitama Prefecture.