3 Magical Ghibli Hikes
Hayao Miyazaki’s animation has touched the hearts of old and young time and time again. The films produced by his incomparable Studio Ghibli often depict beautiful countryside scenes, some of which were inspired by real hills and mountains in Japan.
4 Meals Under ¥400!
Want to know how to eat cheap in Japan? Eat like the locals! Here are some examples of 'fast food' found all over Japan!
9 Ginza Spots for a Cheap Lunch—Michelin, Too!
Enjoy a Japanese-style lunch at any of these nine Ginza restaurants.
8 Free Things to Do on a Rainy Day in Tokyo
When it rains in Tokyo, it rains a lot. We've found eight unique ways to spend an entertaining rainy day in the metropolis.
Top 5 Chains for Cheap Bento
Super Cheap Japan walks us through their top picks for a cheap bite!
Top 3 Cycling Routes in Japan
Change your perception of Japan by taking an unforgettable bicycle ride through some of the country's rural and picturesque areas.
Japan's Most Popular Train Passes
Japan's railway companies have created multitudes of passes to attract passengers, which can be confusing and off-putting at first to novice riders. Let's check out some of the passes so you'll be ready to ride the rails!
Top 5 Budget Lodgings in the Tokyo Area
We've compiled a list of some affordable accommodations that you won’t be disappointed with!
The Cheapest Bento in Tokyo?
We sent our reporter out with ¥500 and a mission: go get lunch, and bring back change. He found what he was looking for in Taito Ward.
Okinawa & Naha Travel on a Budget
Check out these wallet-friendly tours and activities in Naha to enjoy Okinawa's best sights without breaking the bank.
48 Hours in Kyoto on a Budget
This isn’t Kyoto for the faint-hearted. So lace up your comfy shoes and get ready to hit the pavement!
Manga Cafés: Japan’s Cheapest Places to Sleep
When you miss the last train, why not crash in a place with a free drinks machine?
Tokyo to Mount Fuji Bicycle Tour
If climbing this enormous volcano isn’t for you, why not bike around it instead?
Spend the Night at this Onsen from Just ¥1980!
Just in case you need another reason to visit an onsen in Oita, why not dive into the mountains for one of the cheapest stays you can find?
Enjoy these 5 Onsen for ¥100 Or Less
You don’t have to break the bank to enjoy the relaxing experience of taking a long soak in an onsen while basking in breathtakingly natural beauty.