Memorializing March 11 Victims in Mandala Art
Artist Yuri Shimojo turned a way to deal with the pain of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami into peace-filled art with her "Memonto Mori" series of mandala-like paintings.
Artist Yuri Shimojo turned a way to deal with the pain of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami into peace-filled art with her "Memonto Mori" series of mandala-like paintings.
Musashino Arts University student Ayaka Chigira created this masterpiece by only cutting pieces from a single piece of paper!
A fashion student is representing traditional Japanese pottery with his haute couture dressed that share more than a passing resemblance to ancient Jomon design.
Mistake these rocks for raw fish and you'll likely lose more than your appetite!
The incredibly bold paintings of Chifu Onishi took home the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art, making her the youngest recipient of the prestigious award.
In celebration of the long-standing ties between Japan and Germany, TokyoDex has curated an 80-meter mural along the German Embassy's Tokyo walls.
Graphic designer Kenya Hara and Nippon Design Center have created over 250 pictograms supporting tourism visually. And you can get them for free!
As one kokeshi doll workshop's owners began cleaning up their shop, a flash of genius stuck them: why not equip their topple-prone traditional dolls with lights that can be used in case of future earthquakes?