Funassyi's Toilet Cleaning Time
Funassyi spends more time playing than cleaning, which is all the better for our amusement anyway.
Funassyi spends more time playing than cleaning, which is all the better for our amusement anyway.
One of the world's greatest goalkeepers is actually a toilet.
Toto's toilet gallery at Narita Airport aims to show foreigners the joys of owning a Japanese toilet.
Think Japanese toilets are odd? Well, these 12 international toilets throw Japanese people for a spin!
Despite the already remarkably high quality of public toilets in Japan, members of Japan’s national government are spearheading a nationwide campaign to upgrade Japan’s public toilets to an even higher level.
Take your hospitality skills to the next level with toilet paper origami!
A new Japanese toilet paper dispenser automatically cuts the perfect amount, and then folds the edges of your toilet paper into neat triangles for the next person to use.
Do you ever get embarrassed in public restrooms? Do you ever find yourself flushing, wasting precious water, just to cover up tinkling sounds? Well, you might be interested in this little doohickey!