The Biggest Itasha We’ve Ever Seen
An "itasha" is a vehicle covered with anime stickers. But a coupe or sedan only gives you so much sheet metal to work with.
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.
An "itasha" is a vehicle covered with anime stickers. But a coupe or sedan only gives you so much sheet metal to work with.
Where you go when you've dipped in them all?
To show off a number of its best onsen, Oita recruited the help of a professional synchronized swim team.
The Ghost in the Shell director makes an unexpected pick for a characteristic reason.
Seki City in Gifu Prefecture finds a weirdly endearing way to highlight its local specialty.
10,000 people were asked what they thought were Japan’s most world-class songs. The final list left many netizens scratching their heads.
Nothing beats the satisfaction of sipping a warm can of coffee fresh from the vending machine just as the weather starts to get chilly. But do Italians agree?
It comes complete with a cute spa-style noren curtain to provide some much-needed privacy.
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