5 Steps to Working at Lawson
Believe it or not, Lawson convenience stores actually employ a lot of staff from overseas, including people from Asia, South America and Europe. So: if you need work, how exactly do you get a job at Lawson?
Lawson Station
Lawson seeks to realize its Corporate Philosophy of "Creating Happiness and Harmony in Our Communities" by operating neighborhood stores centered on its chainstore development and operation in Japan. Since opening its first store 40 years ago in June 1975, Lawson has evolved in response to changes in lifestyles and the social environment, resolving inconveniences that arise in its communities.
Believe it or not, Lawson convenience stores actually employ a lot of staff from overseas, including people from Asia, South America and Europe. So: if you need work, how exactly do you get a job at Lawson?
While 'combini' may be found on almost every corner in Japan, there are distinctions between one store and the next. Here are four things you can only get at Lawson!
Did you know there have been well over 100 flavors of Kara-age Kun fried chicken?
While most ¥100 stores offer knickknacks and prepackaged snacks for ¥108 (including consumption tax), Lawson Store 100 offers fresh produce and other products that can actually help you make a meal!
Watching what you eat? Believe it or not, Japanese convenience stores can help you out!
How do you make a convenience store even more convenient? By providing free Wi-Fi to your patrons, that's how!
Each containing about a dozen fruits and vegetables, these smoothies are taking your local convenience store by storm!
Ever seen a convenience store with a patio? How about one with a play area for kids? Or why not just go for one where you can get a Dragon Quest slime?
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