All About Japan

The 1,000-Year-Old History of Hanawa Bayashi

The small town of Kazuno in Akita Prefecture holds the Hanawa Bayashi Festival, designated by UNESCO as part of Japan’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Seasonal Fire Festival Drives Demons Away

300 people gather in Fukuoka to take part in the 1,000-year-old Onisube ritual to ward away demons like illness and disaster.

Stay at a Machiya-Style Hostel in Kyoto

Utsuwa is a designer hostel in Kyoto that provides visitors with an affordable way to get an authentic, local experience in Japan's ancient capital!

Fushimi: Come to the Shrine, Stay for the Sake

Most famous for the iconic Fushimi Inari shrine, Kyoto’s Fushimi district is also one of Japan’s top sake-producing regions. Be sure to make the most of your visit by taking a look around its historic brewing district. Kanpai!

Japan's First Foreign Female Shogi Pro

A chat with Karolina Styczynska, Japan's first professional foreign-born female shogi player.

Samurai Clean the Mean Streets of Tokyo

A trio of samurai armed with tongs perform as they fight to keep the streets of the metropolis free from litter.

The Intricate Detail of Kirie Paper Cutting

The Japanese artist Masayo Fukuda has practiced 'kirie,' the art of cutting pictures from paper, for over 25 years. Take a look at her self-proclaimed greatest masterpiece from 2018, an incredibly detailed octopus cut from a single piece of paper.

Getting the Great Buddha Ready for Summer

Watch as Nara's Great Buddha, in Todai-ji Temple, gets cleaned before the Obon summer holiday.

Kanazawa Geisha Training

Tourists get a glimpse of the training regimen of Kanazawa geisha.

6 Tohoku Festivals in 1!

Tohoku's Kizuna Festival takes place in one of its six prefectures every year in the hopes of a full recovery from the 2011 disasters.

Telling the Tales Behind Historical Sites

World Heritage Site listings and the designation of Cultural Properties are primarily intended to protect sites. But Japan Heritage introduces the stories and historical context behind local Tangible and Intangible Cultural Properties.

5 Places to Experience Zen Meditation in Japan

Looking to get hands-on with some of Japan's oldest traditions? Zen meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness and relax, and there are plenty of great places around the country where visitors can enjoy it!

The Downtown Osaka Onsen of your Dreams

The newly-opened Solaniwa Onsen Osaka Bay Tower is right in downtown Osaka, which means you can enjoy a luxurious soak on top of all the rest of the city's highlights!

Experience the Dance of the Golden Dragon

Twice a year in Asakusa, a golden dragon appears at Sensoji Temple...

8 Ways Japanese Christmas is Weird

Christmas is celebrated in different ways all around the world, but even looking beyond KFC and its status as a couples' night, Japan has picked up some traditions that warrant a few extra raised eyebrows.

Tokyo Capsule Hotel Can Help You Find Your Zen

ZenTokyo aims to fuse the capsule hotel experience with traditional Japanese tea house architecture, so that you can enjoy Zen-like tranquility while you catch your Zs.

Tourists Flock for a Glimpse of Old Japan

Townscapes that preserve the atmosphere of Japan's yesteryear are attracting more international visitors than ever before.

ANA Amps Up Emergency Procedures with Kabuki

The Japanese airline ANA has upped their pre-flight safety game with videos that utilize an essential and unforgettable Japanese art.

Omotenashi of English-Speaking Geisha in Kyoto

The “flower town” district of Gion in Kyoto is where geiko and maiko in glamorous kimono enchant people with their talents, elegance and grace. One geiko in particular shines through her use of two languages; a unique dialect of Japanese, and English.

Huge Hot Spring Theme Park Coming to Osaka

Customers will get to enjoy four floors of steamy hot baths, exquisite restaurants and fun activities right in the heart of Osaka!
