Kirin Toasts Same-Sex Marriage
Same-sex marriage couples will now receive the same benefits like condolence leave, company housing and other benefits
Same-sex marriage couples will now receive the same benefits like condolence leave, company housing and other benefits
Japanese high school boy amazes netizens with his cute girl-next-door looks and giving his female classmates a run for their money!
Six Japanese individuals in the LGBT+ community discuss what coming out was like and what they hope to see in the future for LGBT+ rights in Japan.
The new web series 'Tokyo Neighbors' explores what it’s like to be gay in Japan.
One of the many taboos in Japan is discussing sex and sexual health in an open and proactive way. However, should you end up living or working here, it's important to know what resources are available to keep you healthy and happy.
Here's a quick, smart guide to a segment of Japanese nightlife you're not going to find in your regular guide book.
As visibility for the LGBT+ community is increasingly growing around Japan, so are the number of groups that promote awareness. If you're looking to get involved, here's a great list of groups to get in touch with.
As the rights of the LGBT+ community are becoming a huge topic in both people's personal lives and the corporate sphere in Japan, a number of Japanese LGBT+ icons have been leading the conversation—some for a very long time!