How to Make it to the Office the Day After
We all like to eat and drink endlessly, but nobody likes a stomachache or a hangover. Here are four Japanese tricks for beating the post-party blaaaaghs.
We all like to eat and drink endlessly, but nobody likes a stomachache or a hangover. Here are four Japanese tricks for beating the post-party blaaaaghs.
Check out these statistics to find out which temple or shrine has the largest number of attendees during New Year's—and maybe find out the spots to avoid!
When it rains in Tokyo, it rains a lot. We've found eight unique ways to spend an entertaining rainy day in the metropolis.
Tokyoites rank the best drinking districts for experiencing the 'real' Tokyo.
Picking up another language isn't easy, and you're bound to make a few mistakes along the way. But if you brush up on these seven common mistakes, you'll be sounding more and more like a native Japanese speaker!
Fumble with your fish no more: This minute-long video outlines the simple dos and don'ts of eating sushi!
From the quiet to the space to the cheaper price of pretty much everything—not to mention better air and access to outdoor activities—there are plenty of great reasons to love the countryside!
Buses are a great (and cheap!) way to get around the Japanese countryside.