Build an Earthquake Kit at the ¥100 Shop
Japan is well known as a country prone to earthquakes. Prepare for the worst without breaking the bank!
Japan is well known as a country prone to earthquakes. Prepare for the worst without breaking the bank!
Moving to Japan? Don't spend more than you have to! You can find many of the things you need right at the ¥100 store!
Forget bringing your cosmetic bag on the plane. Once you arrive in Japan, you can stock up on these beauty essentials, each only ¥100!
You may know your big chains, but these small ¥100 shops have their own special charms!
What's considered rude in one culture could be deemed good manners in another. The duo at Texan in Tokyo set out to list their Top 5 habits that are fine in Japan but unacceptable in the U.S.
Loppi ticket machines are a convenient way to get tickets for sports events, concerts and theater, as well as day passes for Universal Studios Japan, Disneyland and the Ghibli Museum!
What would you do if you spotted one of these on your towel—after you'd used it?!
Do you know the real Japanese technique for wearing traditional footwear?