4 Popular Dating Apps in Japan
Love just might be one click away!
Love just might be one click away!
You can find just about anything in Japan, from dancing robots to maid cafés! But what about love?
In contrast to many Western countries, Japanese girls give chocolate to their crushes on Valentine's Day. Besides chocolate, can you guess some of the other fantastic options to give your guy?
While we know that silence is definitely golden in Japan, there is, on the other hand, an interesting relationship to noise here.
Good news for Kit Kat fans! Kit Kat Chocolatory is celebrating the opening of their Ginza store with gifts of sushi-flavored Kit Kats, but for a limited time only!
If you happen to admire sparkly, shiny objects, and you live in Tokyo, you’re in luck thanks to these two exquisite exhibitions!
This anime artist turns his young sons' sketches into awesome character designs.
Are you really tired of paying those cash-on-delivery fees every time you order something online because no credit card company will accept you? If you have a Japanese phone number, the solution is right at your fingertips!