All About the Yokohama Theatre Group
Founded in 1900, this theater group is about being part of the Yokohama community.
Founded in 1900, this theater group is about being part of the Yokohama community.
Noh scholar Diego Pellecchia shows how it's done.
If animals and furry friends make you say 'kawaii,' go ecstatic as you enjoy coffee and good food in these cafés inspired by the world's favorite animals.
How well do you know your Pokémon? This clever photo guide shows you what your cute little Pokémon buddies really look like in real-life.
The look of happiness on this adorable pup’s face makes us want to run out to the park and act like kids again.
Hachi was an Akita dog famous for waiting for his master at Shibuya Station for nearly 10 years after he died. This is his story.
Scheduled for release on October 1, 2016, the new iteration stars Mariya Nishiuchi as the titular android crime-fighter, who famously transforms her outfits to battle her foes.
If you have a chance to go to Tokyo Disneyland, you must check out these souvenirs. Don't forget to buy a gift for yourself too!