All About Japan

Getting Started with Maid Cafés

Maid cafés have been around since the early 2000s, but if it’s your first time, you may want to know what’s in store before heading over.

Manga Cafés: Japan’s Cheapest Places to Sleep

When you miss the last train, why not crash in a place with a free drinks machine?

Mamoru Oshii Reveals His Top Miyazaki Film

The Ghost in the Shell director makes an unexpected pick for a characteristic reason.

Transform Your iPhone into Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon Crystal iPhone cases fit the 6 and 6s. Galaxy users presumably get Queen Beryl.

Ace Every Pillow Fight with a Hadoken Plushie

"Quarter circle forward + punch" sold separately.

BRADIO Bring Funky Beats to 'Peeping Life TV'

Funky J-rock band BRADIO are back with the release of their 3rd single and second official anime opening theme song.

Trigun Sneakers Perfect for a Stampede

Red for Vash, Black for Nicholas D. Wolfwood.

100 Manga Selected as Learning Tools

Selection includes Parasyte, Golgo 13 and Barefoot Gen along with Rose of Versailles, Ashita no Joe and Osamu Tezuka's Black Jack and Phoenix, as well as Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

Namie Amuro & Hatsune Miku Meet in Neo Tokyo

"B Who I Want 2 B feat. Hatsune Miku" uses various animation techniques to explore the themes and settings of "Urban," "Game" and "Fashion."

'Yo-Kai Watch' Debuts Abroad

Thankfully, the spirit of the theme songs from the Japanese version are retained in the English version. But some things have changed.

5 Things Every Gamer Needs to Do in Tokyo

When IGN offers up its best picks, it's time to listen.

Zelda Orchestra Wows Stephen Colbert

Footage also revealed from "The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes."

The Biggest Itasha We’ve Ever Seen

An "itasha" is a vehicle covered with anime stickers. But a coupe or sedan only gives you so much sheet metal to work with.

One Punch Man App Measures Your Punching Power

Compare the might of your fist to the ridiculously powerful Saitama.

Inside Osaka's Attack on Titan Bathrooms

Awkward images of Levi, Armin, and other Survey Corps members watch visitors pee.

Anime Hunks Dominate 'Hana Yori Dango' Café

While the "Flower Four" snacks are a feature, the biggest treats for "Hana Yori Dango" fans are no doubt the life-sized art panels, where you can pose with the hunk of your choice.

Sharp & 7-Eleven Offer Evangelion Smartphone

30,000 phones planned for production—at ¥84,240 a pop!

Adorable Nekobus Lasercut Paper Set

It’s time to take Totoro's iconic catbus home. And when we do, we’ll be making him entirely from scratch, with a specially designed kit made from lasercut paper materials.

'Tokyo Ghoul' Seizes Joypolis

Escape game, projection mapping show and theme food planned for Odaiba amusement park.

Giant Mech Buildings Advertise Real Estate

Buildings transform into giant robots in Mitsui Real Estate Residential’s stunning anime commercial.
