All About Japan

Anime Shows How Kanji Can Help You Get Girls

This sweet high-school anime shows how learning kanji can be the key to getting a girlfriend!

This Toilet is Smarter than You

The short film "A.I. Toilet" imagines a lavatory so advanced that it can take control of your life.

5 Reasons the Japanese Language is Crazy

2,000 years of development can leave a pretty big linguistic jumble.

15 Years & 800 Pieces of Art

For 50 days every three years, visitors to the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale get to traverse 200 villages to explore what is effectively the largest art gallery in the world.

The 15 Most Powerful Male Heroes in Anime

Mirror, mirror on the wall: Who's the most powerful anime character of them all?

Who Wants to Play With Katakana Transformers!

These plastic toys are shaped like the names of animals written in katakana—which then transform into the actual animals they represent!

47 Reasons Why Japanese Makes No Sense

Canadian rakugo comedian Katsura Sunshine riffs on some of the more ridiculous points of the Japanese language—including, in particular, the 47 ways he knows how to say "Thank you."

What Does the TPP Mean for Anime?

Is this the death knell for your online obsessions?

Learn Japanese Vocabulary with Chocolate!

Chocolates that teach Japanese onomatopoeia words unveiled at the 2015 Paris Design Show.

Samurai Attire for the Modern Gentleman

Save your suits for another day! Wazigen Shizuka has released its new line of modern hakama and yukata styles, and you won't believe where some of the inspiration came from!

What Time? Kanji Time!

Strut the streets of Tokyo with this high-fashion kanji watch.

Get Wowed by Street Art in Tennozu Isle

The somewhat drab little island of office buildings and factories has been distinctly enlivened by a series of large public murals courtesy of an international group of artists known as POW! WOW!

Bathroom has 31 Female Stalls to 1 Male Stall

Japan’s all-female Takarazuka theater has an enlightened 31.5:1 female to male bathroom stall ratio.

Attack on Kansai-ben

Learn the Kansai dialect of Japanese with the Attack on Titan manga!

Hello Kitty Toilet Seat Cover & Bidet

Sanrio releases a Hello Kitty toilet seat cover and bidet for the most devout Hello Kitty fans.

Learn Japanese Like Darth Vader

This Star Wars Japanese-English dictionary teaches you to talk like Lord Vader!

Funassyi Shares the Joy of Toilet Cleaning

Funassyi, the neon yellow pear character, spreads the joy of bathroom cleaning through videos and merchandise.

The Low-Down on Where to Film in Tokyo

Video producer David Haruyama sits dows with AAJ to talk about his background, where to film in Tokyo, and advice on filming in Japan.

Decorate Your Lair with Sith Lords

Furniture manufacturer IDC Otsuka has unveiled its Star Wars/Premium Home Collection—a set any Jedi Master would love to get their hands on!

3-D Projector Brings Hatsune Miku to Life

This tabletop 3-D projector beams images that can be viewed from 360°.
