Leggo My Lego Salad!
This salad gives a whole new meaning to playing with your food.
This salad gives a whole new meaning to playing with your food.
While many rural areas of Japan are giving a small stipend to pay for housing, one area of Kagoshima is pulling out all the stops to bring in new residents.
The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) is on the lookout for video footage about all the things foreigners find appealing about Japan.
"Star Wars Tokyo Sky Walk at Tokyo Skytree" opened precisely one month before the Japanese premiere of Star Wars: Episode VII, and will maintain its force-grip on the Tokyo icon until February 2016.
Grab your vintage 1960s Batmobile and take a ride with the Tokyo Toy Guys as they interview one of the most influential Japanese Batman artists, Jiro Kuwata.
The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) has launched the #MyJapanStory video page, a site that brings together more than 100 videos related to Japan.
Hayao Miyazaki’s animation has touched the hearts of old and young time and time again. The films produced by his incomparable Studio Ghibli often depict beautiful countryside scenes, some of which were inspired by real hills and mountains in Japan.
Japanese artist Hisashi Tenmyouya teams with Indonesian husband-and-wife duo Indieguerillas for an exhibition at Tokyo's Mizuma Art Gallery.