Sweet Sakura-Flavored Treats
Starbucks Japan may have its Sakura Latte, but tea manufacturer Tsujiri ups the ante by offering some of its own tantalizing cherry-blossom flavored sweets!
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.
Starbucks Japan may have its Sakura Latte, but tea manufacturer Tsujiri ups the ante by offering some of its own tantalizing cherry-blossom flavored sweets!
These Detective Conan shoes are so formal they even come with their own bow tie or mini tie!
Already a pioneer in the consumer electronics market, Panasonic is now a trailblazer for the equal rights of its employees regardless of sexual orientation.
These charming necklaces and bags are must-have accessories for any die-hard Sailor Moon fan!
Before you snap that picture of the Lolita girl or that adorable kid wearing a mini kimono, you might want to learn about photography etiquette in Japan.
The future of digital media is here and it looks very bright!
Aching for feline companionship, but have little living space? You can now buy these cute, palm-sized organizers.
Koka City officials are leaving their suits and business attire at home in favor of black and blue robes for Ninja Day.
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