Curious Cats Sneak onto Trains
We have no idea where these adorable cats are heading, but they sure do look like they're enjoying their train ride!
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.
We have no idea where these adorable cats are heading, but they sure do look like they're enjoying their train ride!
These porcelain figures would no doubt have been the go-to dolls for Emily Strange.
We wish our own high schools had sent us off into the adult world with these spectacular sand creations!
Although we doubt department stores would accept moon prism power as an acceptable form of payment, they can accept these Sailor Moon JCB cards!
Straight from Kochi Prefecture, this new grandpa group rivals J-pop boyband legends SMAP and Arashi with their suave moves and killer beat.
More than just a Lego sushi restaurant, this dining establishment has a wild bunch of patrons and even a fully functioning conveyor belt!
Trains in Japan can become extremely packed—to the point where they feel like they're bursting at the seams! But if you follow these tips, you'll learn how to ride those crowded trains like a pro!
Are you into collecting train stamps, or is taking pictures of trains more your thing? No matter what your passion for trains may be, the Japanese language has a word for it!
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