Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Headphones?
Sony is developing a new device that gives you the ability to listen to music without putting anything in your ear.
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.
Sony is developing a new device that gives you the ability to listen to music without putting anything in your ear.
Whether you're into origami, scrapbooking or decorating, this Japanese paper will bring the magic of Studio Ghibli to all your favorite projects.
Open to crossdressers, trans women and men, and guests of any gender, Bar☆Onna no Ko Club promises to be a fun space where people can easily drink, talk, make new friends, and dress up if they choose to.
This just might be the most expensive Japanese school bag we've ever seen!
Navigate through the pedestrian sea of Japan with your very own fish companion.
Always wanted to dress like a samurai for work, but felt the full-on battle armor would be too much? How about trying one of these samurai shirts on for size?
For some otaku, dressing to impress can seem like a perplexing chore. So why not make it easy with these adorable anime characters as a guide?
Cotton and silk are so last season! These new 'hakama' are made from a rather unexpected textile...
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