Top 5 Chocolate Snacks in Japan for Loved Ones

As much as people here like chocolate itself, chocolate “snacks” might be more deeply rooted in their daily life, as there are a number of chocolate snacks that have been top-selling products for many decades. Here are five of the most loved chocolate snacks of all time, perfect for your Valentine's Day sweetheart.
By Mina Otsuka5. Black Thunder
This chocolate snack has been a favorite of many for more than two decades. Since its first sale in 1994, people in Japan have consumed this chocolate-coated cookie bar (with rice puffs mixed inside) as kids, teenagers and grown-ups. It might not be the most romantic sweet to give to your loved ones, but it definitely has a kind of taste that reminds many of their childhood.
4. Kinoko no Yama (Mountain of Mushrooms) & Takenoko no Sato (Forest of Bamboo Shoots)
The history of Kinoko no Yama goes back to 1975, when Meiji, currently a subsidiary of Meiji Holdings, started selling one the first chocolate snacks in Japan. The concept of chocolate snacks itself was quite new back then, when chocolate was most commonly consumed as simple bars. Takenoko no Sato entered the market four years later and the two chocolate snacks haven’t lost their popularity for over 30 years.
3. Kit Kat
Though Kit Kat isn’t a Japanese snack to begin with, it has gained its own status in Japan with countless flavors that can’t be found elsewhere. Among them, perhaps one of the most popular flavors is matcha, or green tea. The green color might not be most appetizing, but it’s worth a bite!
2. Pocky
Pocky was first introduced to the market in 1966. It was sold as the world’s first chocolate snacks in a stick form. Its appeal, in fact, was the part of the stick that was not covered with chocolate, as the part was supposed to serve as a “handle” that would allow people to eat the snack without getting chocolate on their fingers.
1. Royce Potatochip Chocolate
Originally famous for its chocolate products, Royce's Potatochip Chocolate has built an avid fan base in Japan. Salty potato chips coated with sweet chocolate might sound like the worst combination ever, yet the sweetness of the chocolate is said to be enhanced by salt. It might be worth a try!