allabout japan
allabout japan

Meet Me in Minamisanriku for Fresh Food & Art

Minamisanriku, in Miyagi Prefecture, was one of the many areas in Tohoku that was devastated by the Great East Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011. Since then, the community has come together to rebuild what was lost by focusing on what makes the area so special. I was lucky enough to get hands-on with the local culture and see how far they’ve come.

By Nicholas Rich

Marine Visitor Center

Marine Visitor Center

Our last stop was the Marine Visitor Center, a newly opened facility designed to help connect locals and visitors with the vibrant oceanic ecosystem that's so important to life in Minamisanriku. Inside, it looks more like a café or cool campus building than a government building, with lots of educational displays throughout and an observation deck of the nearby ocean.

It’s not only a great place to stop while hiking alongside the Sanriku coastline, there are many activities perfect for individuals or groups, like surfing or kayaking. In colder seasons, visitors can enjoy making their very own postcard out of a variety of locally sourced seaweed.

I’m by no means an artistic type, but thanks to the helpful tips of the instructor, I was able to create a card that I think turned out surprisingly well! They collect the card after to let it dry, apply a laminate finish, and will send it to you to enjoy!

I would love to return in spring or summer and see what else I can get my hands on at the Marine Center.

I also can't wait to get back up to Minamisanriku and see what they have in store for the future.

Nicholas Rich

I still live in Kawasaki, but I work in the AAJ office now as the English editor. I spend most of my free time studying, reading comics, watching movies and gaming (video, board and tabletop). I love to travel, eat good food and drink.