allabout japan
allabout japan

Why I Stopped Teaching as an ALT

By The Japan Guy

I remember making the decision to quit my job as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) with Interac like it was yesterday. I remember the anxiety. I remember thinking, “How am I going to explain my reasoning to people?”

Why did I stop? Where do I begin? Well, I guess we’ll just take it from the top...

I had been working as an ALT with the dispatch company Interac for about a year and a half when I decided to stop teaching. This decision wasn’t a sudden one at all; it was one that I had been contemplating for a several months. There are four major reasons why I decided to stop teaching as an ALT: time constraints, pay, health-related reasons and a personal promise.

Before I discuss these reasons, I have to mention that I didn’t leave Interac because I was dissatisfied with my school, with my fellow teachers, or the Interac staff. I was at an amazing school with great kids and super-friendly teachers. I also met some other great teachers at Interac—people who I will continue be friends with even beyond the job.

As far as the staff members go, I really felt like I got good support when I started to question whether or not I wanted to stay. The branch manager simply treated me like a person, and it really meant a lot to me. He would call me and talk to me, check on me, and see how he could make things better for me. Overall, I think I learned a lot from my job and had fun doing it. Unfortunately, something inside of me just wouldn’t allow me to stay.

So, here's why I left...

The Japan Guy

Donald Ash is an ATLien expat who has been living in a Japanese time warp for the last seven-plus years. While in aforesaid time warp, he discovered that he absolutely loves writing, blogging, and sharing. Donald is the creator, writer, designer, editor, programmer and occasional bad artist of blog (yeah I know... way too many hats huh?). Wanna know more about this guy? You can find him at!