allabout japan
allabout japan

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

By Ellery Smith

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage since 1995, the thatched-roof farmhouses of Shirakawa-go, Ainokura and Suganuma have long been a popular tourist destination for Japanese residents and overseas visitors alike. The steeply pitched thatched roofs are built to survive the harsh winter—and particularly the large amounts of snow that the region gets during the colder months. These gassho-style houses may be the last of their kind, but they are maintained in constant repair.

If you're hardy enough to withstand the cold winter winds, don’t miss out on visiting these farmhouses in January and February when the houses are lit up!

Ellery Smith

Bouncing between the U.S. and Japan since 2007 as a student then an English instructor before finally settling into freelance writing, I am a yoga enthusiast and onsenner extraordinaire, having been to more hot springs than you can shake a stick at.