Survival Japanese at the Ramen Shop!
Pick up the key vocabulary and phrases that will get you by in almost any ramen spot!
Pick up the key vocabulary and phrases that will get you by in almost any ramen spot!
My wife and I were living in the house she grew up in, along with her brother’s very large family. My extreme lack of fluency placed me in an isolated, dependent, and helpless position.
If you’ve ever wanted to turn back time and step into the clothes of a well-dressed geisha, a pipe-smoking courtesan or a sword-wielding samurai warrior, we’ve found the perfect place for you!
Exploring Tokyo: Harajuku, Shibuya, the Robot Restaurant and Yoyogi Park.
I’m not sure if it’s the history, the food, the pop culture, or the fact that Nintendo helped raise me, but for whatever reason, Japan has captured my heart and imagination for as long as I can remember.
An 18th birthday is a great occasion for a trip to Tokyo.
Enjoy the various taiko drummers of Osaka's Tenjin Matsuri.
This adorable penguin is very easily directed!