Contactless Conveyor-Belt Sushi Dining
One conveyor-belt sushi restaurant chain is offering an experience where customers can dine without any direct contact with store clerks.
One conveyor-belt sushi restaurant chain is offering an experience where customers can dine without any direct contact with store clerks.
Beverage manufacturer Dydo Drinco's newest vending machine can be used with your feet.
Make way! Japan Post is testing delivery robots on public streets for the first time!
Major Japanese telecommunications operator KDDI has launched a facility where people can experience the latest 5G cellular network.
Companies are programming robots to help people adapt to the new normal brought about by the global pandemic.
Real estate developer Mitsubishi Estate revealed plans to build Japan’s tallest skyscraper by 2027.
If you’re going to be spending several hours a day at your computer, aesthetics are important in keeping your wellness level up. And if that aesthetic is "techno arachnid super-villain," then there’s really only one sensible furniture choice.
Japanese giant conglomerate Softbank Group has unveiled a building in Tokyo upgraded with technologies in line with the “new normal” imposed by the pandemic.