All About Japan All About Japan

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¥100 Shop Stationery

From basic writing tools to adorable character goods, ¥100 shops are the choice for getting papered in style—without breaking the bank!

Distinguishing the 4 Big ¥100 Chains

You may know Daiso, Seria and Can★Do—but have you heard of Watts? And do you know the differences between them?

7 Sweet Baking Tools from the ¥100 Shop

Baking doesn't have to be a costly commitment. Here are our Top 7 baking tools from the ¥100 shop!

¥100 Water Guns as Steampunk Accessories

All it takes is paint, time and creativity.

10 Ways to Do Christmas at the ¥100 Shop

There's no need to spend an arm and a leg getting into the festive spirit in Japan—the nation's ¥100 shops have more than enough seasonal gear to get your bells jingled!

7 Smaller ¥100 Chains Not to Miss!

You may know your big chains, but these small ¥100 shops have their own special charms!

7 Prime Presents from the ¥100 Shop

These great items may only be ¥108 after tax, but your friends and family don't need to know that! And the quality's so good, they probably won't be able to tell!

7 Ways to Fill Out Your Breakfast for ¥108

While most ¥100 stores offer knickknacks and prepackaged snacks for ¥108 (including consumption tax), Lawson Store 100 offers fresh produce and other products that can actually help you make a meal!

6 Travel Goods You Can Find at a ¥100 Shop

You can purchase one (or all) of these six practical travel items, each for less than a buck!

All-You-Can-Eat Fried Chicken for ¥100!

This fried chicken bargain is quite the steal!

¥100 Makeup Challenge

What can you do with nothing but makeup from the ¥100 shop?

9 Cleaning Supplies from the ¥100 Store

These inexpensive products are perfect for your New Year's cleaning!

5 How-To Vids for Bakers on a Budget

The ¥100 store always has incredible goods on offer, and with these five videos you'll learn how to make delicious treats and impress your friends while saving loads of cash.

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