Where Studio Ghibli's Paint Comes From
Founded in 1950, this 17-person paint company has colored the works of anime geniuses from Osamu Tezuka to Hayao Miyazaki.
Founded in 1950, this 17-person paint company has colored the works of anime geniuses from Osamu Tezuka to Hayao Miyazaki.
English filmmaker Lewis Bond created a video documentary in which he perfectly captures the genius of Hayao Miyazaki.
Can't get enough of Castle in the Sky? Why not try eating some!
While there have only been a few official Japanese-style Lego castles, brick fans have been more than happy to do the rest!
Japan is home to some of the most famous toys in the world. So what should you do if you’re in Japan and you—or, um, your kids—feel a sudden urge for toy shopping?
These amazing pencil-drawn portraits of celebrities are so good, you'll swear they were professionally photographed pictures! And we've got video evidence of how it's done!
These giant portable monster shrines took over Ueno Park to dazzle and frighten all.
Ghibli fans will definitely want to collect these 10 items that you can't find anywhere except the Ghibli Museum!