Are You This Coordinated?
Think you have good hand-eye-foot coordination? Perhaps you should consider joining the Nippon Sport Science University marching team!
Think you have good hand-eye-foot coordination? Perhaps you should consider joining the Nippon Sport Science University marching team!
No, Japanese speakers, this isn't octopus sushi—it's the advent of J-Mex!
“Rolling Sushii” was one of a number of works on display as part of the Osaka Canvas Project, where artists and performers transformed the vibrant city with outdoor performances and interactive installations.
From rabbit cafés to sumo tournaments and everything in between, these are the top recommendations from Veltra's adventurous staff to make the most of your trip to Japan's capital!
This series of "gacha" capsule toys features a little daydreaming girl who uses sushi as a blanket, a bathtub and a swimsuit!
Ever since Aomori-based sock maker Sukeno began selling these amazing socks, they’ve blown up all over the country.
Nekozushi is exactly what you think it is: a series of felines placed on top of a bed of rice and playfully adorned with props to make them look like different types of sushi.
Don't want to see hearts on Twitter? Why not try sushi instead!