Spruce Up Your Home with Kyoto Incense Sticks
These Shofuan incense sticks come in one of 12 boxes, each matched to the seasons and events of Kyoto.
Our mission at Nihon Ichiban is to make both the traditional and modern Japanese lifsetyle more accessible to the rest of the world. We cover food, crafts, fashion, design and much more!
These Shofuan incense sticks come in one of 12 boxes, each matched to the seasons and events of Kyoto.
Yamagata cast iron boasts a 1,000-year tradition influenced by the Kyoto style.
A traditional "tenugui" cotton hand towel makes a great gift—or even a headband in the onsen! These tenugui go one step further, however, and tell a picture-book story when folded.
This Japanese seaweed is delicious in miso soup or ramen.
Nissin Noodles honors the inventor of instant noodles with the Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka.
The Cupmen series are adorable little characters that hold the lid of an instant ramen cup while it's cooking.
NOUSAKU Corp. applies traditional Japanese casting techniques to contemporary designs to promote a unique, stylish lifestyle.
Odate bentwood, or magewappa, is characteristic of the Odate region in Akita Prefecture.
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