Are You Ready for Yarn Ramen?!
Ramen is easy enough to make with a package of cup noodles, but knitting a bowl of hot soup takes a lot more skill.
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.
Ramen is easy enough to make with a package of cup noodles, but knitting a bowl of hot soup takes a lot more skill.
In May 2015, Dragonball’s resident attitude with a widow’s peak epically endorsed Nissin Cup Noodle’s new vegetable-packed variety of instant ramen.
Sushi Bar Yoshihachi’s proprietor got his start making sushi back in the U.S., and rumor has it he just might be the inventor of the California roll.
A California-based food blogger does due diligence on all those snacks you were too confused (or embarrassed) to ask about.
This iPhone case takes its design cue from a very special ukiyo-e woodblock print, one of only three in the world officially approved by Lucasfilm.
More than ECG machines, electric rice cookers and the Playstation 4, a majority of Japanese pick instant ramen as the nation's top invention.
Start with floral designs and work your way up to JoJo, Totoro or Levi Ackerman.
There’s a town in Japan where it's strictly forbidden to grow or eat cucumbers. Why do they hate the vegetable? And is the rule valid or are they all in a pickle over nothing?
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