20 Best Airport Resturants in Japan
Before you have to hop on your plane, stop by one of these 20 restaurants to fill up on Japanese cuisine!
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.
Before you have to hop on your plane, stop by one of these 20 restaurants to fill up on Japanese cuisine!
Looking to avoid poor posture while relaxing at work? Thanko is here to lend you a hand!
This full-course, balanced breakfast meal will leave your stomach feeling full—as you would expect from a three-star Michelin restaurant in Kyoto.
While Satoru Iwata is gone, his legacy will continue to live on.
Strut the streets of Tokyo in a modern take on a traditional Japanese garment.
The 2016 Michelin Guide contains not just one but several restaurants specializing in takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and other “B-Class Gourmet” foods famous around the Kansai area.
This three-star Michelin-rated onsen treats anyone like royalty for a fraction of the cost.
A Minecrafter's world of Ghibli-inspired characters and scenery will make your jaw drop.
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