All About Japan

Taste of Japan

Taste of Japan

All About Taste of Japan
Working in concert with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. Let's enjoy Japanese food!
The Healthy Diversity of Japanese Food

The Healthy Diversity of Japanese Food

Professor Ryoji Hamamoto of the Tsuji Culinary Institute outlines the history and health benefits of Japanese food at a special event in New York.

Michelin-Starred Chef on Taste of Japan in NY

Michelin-Starred Chef on Taste of Japan in NY

Michelin-starred Chef David Bouley demonstrates original dishes created with Japanese ingredients: Health-themed Presentation on Diversity of Japanese Food Products.

Just a Spoonful of 'Koji'

Just a Spoonful of 'Koji'

'Koji' has been used in Japan for more than 1,000 years, and has recently been in the limelight for its wonderful healthful and beautifying properties.
