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Create Your Own Personalized Kit Kat Box

Create Your Own Personalized Kit Kat Box

For many visitors to Japan, souvenir shopping means stocking up on some of the country’s many exclusive Kit Kat flavors. There are so many limited-edition flavors that it’s never an easy task to decide which Kit Kats to stuff into your luggage on your way home.

By SoraNews24

Now there’s a new way to make shopping for your selection a little easier, with a unique product called the “Travel Memories Kit Kat” being unveiled in Kyoto. This new product, which will be available for a limited time, can only be purchased from a special machine located in the “Omiyage Kaido” (Souvenir Highway) inside the JR Kyoto Station building, near the west entrance.

While it looks similar to a vending machine, this setup does a whole lot more, as it allows customers to print one of their favorite images onto a pack of Uji Matcha green tea Kit Kats, using digital photos from their mobile phone. Kit Kat began offering a customized package service called Choco Labo to their customers back in 2010, but this is the first time they’ve released the technology via a quick and easy-to-use self-service machine.

With tourists set to flood the city during Kyoto’s popular autumn foliage viewing season, this service is intended to be used as a way for travelers to create a personal memento of their time in the ancient capital. It’s incredibly fast to use, taking just five minutes to create your own box of Kit Kats, which means you can make your own original souvenir while you’re waiting to catch the train back home.

And in case you want to send a pack to your friends and family as a gift, all you have to do is write their address on the back of the box, put a stamp on it and send it off at the post office as it is. Your personal Kit Kat box can be displayed beautifully as well, as each pack contains a special stand inside for display purposes.

It costs just ¥400 (US$ 3.51) to use the service, which includes the box of matcha Kit Kats, and the service will only be available for a limited time until mid-April next year. Whether or not Nestlé Japan will expand the service to include more flavors and more locations around the country in future depends on the popularity of the initial test run in Kyoto, so be sure to give it a try next time you’re there!

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