White Rabbit's JLPT Kanji Flashcards
Spending hours writing lines of kanji doesn't work for you? Then why don't you try playing with them and learning the ones that look alike, allowing you to learn twice as fast!
Spending hours writing lines of kanji doesn't work for you? Then why don't you try playing with them and learning the ones that look alike, allowing you to learn twice as fast!
Learning Japanese can be easy, fun, and nearly free if you're ready to take on the challenge of getting more locally immersed!
Find out how The Japan Guy lifted himself from zero to the plateau of effective Japanese communication.
Find out how to remember 2,000 kanji in just two months!
These plastic toys are shaped like the names of animals written in katakana—which then transform into the actual animals they represent!
2,000 years of development can leave a pretty big linguistic jumble.
Donald Ash has spent years in Japan helping people find their way, both linguistically and pragmatically. These are our six favorite lessons from his extensive site!
Ten rules to live by to ensure a heavenly score on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.