Teaching Elementary School 101
Thinking about teaching English at an elementary school in Japan? Here are the basics you need to get to know the lay of the land!
Thinking about teaching English at an elementary school in Japan? Here are the basics you need to get to know the lay of the land!
Teaching in Japan is a big decision, and there are a lot of options available. If you decide ALT is the way you want to go, we're here to help you figure out the path that's best for you.
In Japan, paper-rock-scissors is known as 'jan-ken-pon.' Children here use it to decide virtually everything—and this means that if you're a schoolteacher, 'janken' is one of the very first skills you need to pick up!
English teachers and students alike will get a hoot out of these newly designed English textbooks.
You’ve studied the language. You’ve researched the customs and cultural differences. You’ve fallen in love with the sites splashed across your computer screen. It’s time to take the plunge and admit that you’d like to pursue a teaching career in Japan!
Have you ever wanted to come to Japan? Would you like to be paid to live in Japan? Check out our guide to the famous JET Programme—and welcome!
Thinking of applying to teach at an 'eikaiwa'? You might want to read up on some things you can expect from English conversation schools in Japan.
Teaching English in kindergarten in Japan is a whole different ball game!